Old Street’s Pret A Manger got Makeover

イギリスの大手サンドイッチ・チェーン、Pret A Manger(プレタ・マンジェ)のCity Road店が最近リニューアルした。隣にあったPiya Piyaというタイレストラン&ラウンジを吸収してスペース倍増。80年代風のちょっと時代遅れだったインテリアは、チェーンっぽさは否めないけど現代風に取って代わり、ジェイミー・オリバーが経営するイタリアン・チェーン、Jamie’s Italianを彷彿させる(ちょっと嫌み)。向かいのSUBWAYより断然いい。

イギリスに住んでいる人なら誰でも知っているPret A Manger(フランス語「prêt à manger」=英語「ready to eat(すぐ食べれるといったニュアンス)」)、イギリス在住で既に蘊蓄をご存知の方は飛ばしてくださいませ。

プレタ・マンジェは1986年に、友人であるSinclair Beecham(シンクレア・ビーチャム)とJulian Metcalfe(ジュリアン・メットカーフ。後に寿司チェーンのItsuを創業)がロンドンで立ち上げた。Wikipediaによると2007年以降、多くの店名が「Pret(プレット)」に代わり、今後10年間で全ての店を「Pret」に統一する計画だそう。Pretは多種のサンドイッチの他、スープやサラダ、寿司、マフィンやクロワッサン、ブラウニーなどのデザート類、そして自社ブランドの冷たい飲み物やオーガニックの紅茶やコーヒー(エスプレッソは美味しくないけれど)を扱う(メニュー。ウェブではカロリーや成分の表示あり)。現在、イギリスをメインに、アメリカや香港に265店舗を展開するが、フランチャイズは社のポリシーで拒否しているのだそう。



Pret A Manger City road at the south of Old Street station got revamp and now it looks like Jamie’s Italian (that’s my impression). The space has become double, absorbing failed Piya Piya Thai restaurant & lounge next door, I believe. Also its 80’s look including metallic chairs was replaced by more up-to-date (but still a bit chain-y) choice, and it is far better than SUBWAY across the street.

Everyone in UK knows Pret A Manger (prêt à manger=“ready to eat” in French) or simply Pret, a big sandwich chain. You can skip this if you already know well about Pret. I am writing this to people, if any, who have no clue about the chain.

Pret a Manger was founded in London in 1986 by friends Sinclair Beecham and Julian Metcalfe, who later founded the sushi chain Itsu. Most stores have been branded as “Pret” since 2007, according to Wikipedia, and the company aims to rename all of its stores “Pret” in the next ten years. Pret sells sandwiches of many kinds, soups, salads, sushi (stay away from it!), pastries and sweets, as well as cold drinks, organic teas and unimpressive coffee (menu: you can also check calories and nutritional values). The chain now has 265 shops (but refuses franchise) worldwide, mostly in the UK and some in USA and Hong Kong.

Pret claims that their “proper sandwiches” are made  on the day of purchase at each location, using natural ingredients without any chemicals, additives and preservatives. But it was reported that a research revealed that pre-packed sandwiches contain high amount of salt including Pret’s (BBC News). Those left unsold at the end of the day are collected by charities that provide food to the homeless.

People, especially foodies and food bloggers, are embarrassed to talk good about a chain, but why not? Independent shop doesn’t mean that they have a great food or often even worse. I don’t expect too much from chains, but some of them have decent standard. Maybe a bit too much mayonaise or salt, but Pret is our favorite choice for sandwiches (but not for espresso) at UK airports where you see only chains anyways, or whenever we don’t want to go far due to the terrible weather.

Tuna Melt Toastie(ツナとチーズのホットサンド), Italian Prosciutto Artisan Baguette(生ハムとチーズ、トマト入りバゲット) and crisps / potato chips(ポテトチップ)

2 responses to “Old Street’s Pret A Manger got Makeover

  1. Pingback: Salvation Jane @ Old Street | everydaylife.style

  2. Pingback: Café Gourmand @ Lexington Street, SOHO | everydaylife.style

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