Tag Archives: レスキュー

Brand New Royal Mail stamps “The Fire & Rescue Service” issue

"The Fire & Rescue Service" Royal Mail Stamps

2009年9月1日発行されたばかりのRoyal Mail記念切手セット「The Fire & Rescue Service(消防・救助活動)」。90ペンス、81ペンス、62ペンス、56ペンス、54ペンス、1st Class(39ペンス)の6枚セットで、それぞれ消火活動、緊急救助、化学火災、洪水救助、捜索・救助、火災安全をテーマにしたデザインだ。イギリスの記念切手に多い正方形に近い形で、サイズは37mm x 35mm(なんで正方形じゃない?)。ところで、イギリスの切手の特徴は、国名表記がなく、エリザベス女王の横顔のシルエットが右肩にデザインされていること。イギリスは世界で最初の郵便制度を導入した国で、1840年に世界初の切手を発行した。当時、他の国には切手がなかったので、国名表記は必要なかった。その後1964年に、郵便ルール統括国際組織である万国郵便連合(UPU)が、「1966年以降発行の切手には国、地域名をローマ字で表記すること」という ルールを採択したけれど、合意の上、イギリスは国名を切手に表記しなくて良い唯一の国とされている。


I got Royal Mail new special stamp sheets “The Fire & Rescue Service“,  issued on September 1, 2009. It is a set of 6 stamps (90p, 81p, 62p, 56p, 54p, and 1st Class/39p), with designs of fire safety, search and rescue, flood rescue, chemical fire, emergency rescue, and firefighting. As many royal Mail stamp designs, the stamp is square shape (well, almost) and its size is 37mm x 35mm. By the way, British stamps are the only stamps that do not bear the name of the country of issue on them, as the UK was the first country to issue prepaid postage stamps. The UK remains the only country not required to name itself on its stamps by agreement. For all other Universal Postal Union (UPU) members, the name must appear in Latin letters.

I don’t want to sound nerdish and don’t tell to many people, but I like collecting stamps. I am not a maniac who collect every single stamp of your interest, like specific theme, period, and country, but I just choose whatever appeals to me. I like simple and modern design from late 50’s to 60’s or current time, especially Dutch and German stamps. Some stamps are wonderfully designed all kind of themes in such a small size, by means of photograph, painting, and illustration. Especially some stamps are designed by famous designers and are works of art!

"The Fire & Rescue Service" Royal Mail Stamps"The Fire & Rescue Service" Royal Mail Stamps

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