Tag Archives: House of Parliament

Bonfire Night Fireworks: Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night FIreworks



November 5th is an annual celebration of the  Guy Fawkes Night. It is called as Guy Falkes NightGuy Falkes Day, or Bonfire Night, and marks the downfall of the Gunpowder Plot of 5 November 1605, in which a number of Catholic conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to destroy the House of Parliament. In UK (except Northern Ireland where where autumn fireworks and bonfires are more commonly associated with Halloween), Guy Fawkes Night celebration involve fireworks displays and the building of bonfires on which traditionally “guys” are burnt, although this practice is not always observed in modern times.

You often hear the noise of fireworks around the Guy Falkes Night, but the large scale fireworks display are usually happened on November 5th or on the Saturday night of the week (→2009 Bonfire Night Fireworks in London). Today is Bonfire Night Saturday, and I hear a noise of fireworks every now and then since evening. We thought about going to see one of the fireworks, but it is always cold around this time of the year, and we always end up enjoying only the noise and imagining how the fireworks display would be…

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HP Sauce, a National Treasure


今日、BFI Southbankで、スタンリー・キューブリックの「Killer’s Kiss」を見た帰り、Southbankにあるお気に入りのブリティッシュ・レストラン「Canteen」で食事した際、何気なくテーブル上にあったHPソースの話をした。

そして帰宅後、The Timesをパラパラめくっていたら、偶然HPソースの記事を発見。「National Treasure(国宝)」というタイトルにあるように、イギリスの家庭やイギリス料理レストランには必ずあるcondiment(調味料)だ。エリザベス女王の王室御用達許可書(Royal Warrant)も所有する。イギリス人は、モルトビネガー(穀物酢・イギリス人はよく使う)をベースに、フルーツとスパイスを加えた、日本のトンカツソースのようなこのソースを、何にでもかけて食べる。また、スープやシチューの調味料としても重宝される。

HPソースのオリジナルレシピは、Frederick Gibson Garton氏が考案。1986年に、商標登録をした。Garton氏はこのソースを、英国国会議事堂(House of Parliament)内の食堂で供された事から、HPと呼んだ。だから、ラベルも、ビッグベン・国会議事堂だ。現在、「オリジナル」味以外に、BBQ味、ステーキ・ソース、Fruityなどのバラエティがある。イギリスの食生活向上に貢献してきたこのHPソースは、2005年にハインツによって買収。バーミンガム郊外のAstonの工場での生産も2007年3月に終了、現在はオランダで製造している。この記事では、かの産業革命の発祥地であるイギリスの、製造業の衰退を嘆いている。


We had a dinner at one of our favorite British restaurant ‘Canteen‘, after Kublick‘s ‘Killer’s Kiss‘ at the BFI Southbank. We talked about HP sauce at the table, and coincidentally, I found the article about HP Sauce on The Times after we came back.

As in the title, HP sauce is a ‘national treasure’ here in the UK, and must-have condiment for the British family and British food restaurants. HP food, the owner of HP sauce, is appointed as Royal Warrant holder by Queen Elizabeth. British pour this sauce – malt vinegar base blended with fruit and spices – on almost anything. It is also useful for cooking such as soups and stews.

Original recipe of HP suace was created by Frederick Gibson Garton, a grocer from Nottingham. The name, HP, came from the House of Parliament –  he heard that the restaurant in the House of Parliament had begun serving it. Therefore the design of its label is also Big Ben/House of Parliament. There are a variety of tastes available other than the Original taste, such as BBQ, fruity, and Steak suace etc. HP sauce, which has contributed to the improvement of British cuisine, was bought by Heinz. Sadly its production in Aston, Birmingham suburb, was terminated in March 2007, and now it is produced in the Netherlands. The Times article deplores another devastating blow to the British industrial heritage!

For some strange reason, M has never used this sauce. What a shame – it is not bad at all, though!

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