Tag Archives: ギネス・ワールド・レコード

Elvey Farm @ Pluckley, Kent

先週書いたケント旅行の際、Pluckley(プラックリー)にあるElvey Farmエルヴィ・ファーム)に宿泊した。後で調べたら、プラックリーは、1998年にギネス・ワールド・レコード(ギネス世界記録)により「英国で一番幽霊の出る村」に認定された村なのだそう(参考サイト)!村人の話では、村周辺に12〜16の幽霊がいるとのこと。しかもエルヴィ・ファームのバーの上の屋根裏部屋に行く階段に、軍隊の制服を着た男が立っているのだそうだ。私たちの泊まった部屋は、まさにその屋根裏部屋。幸い霊感がないので、幽霊は見なかったけれど、滞在中は知らなくて良かった。。。


We stayed at Elvey Farm in Pluckley when we traveled to Kent. I didn’t know that Pluckley is said to be “the most haunted village in Britain”, according to the Guinness Book of Records, and it is reputed to have twelve (possibly thirteen or fourteen) ghosts (reference)! There is a rumor that there is a male ghost in military uniform on the stairs from a bar downstairs to a bedroom in the attic, exactly where we stayed, at Elvey Farm as well… Fortunately we didn’t see the ghost, but I am glad that I didn’t know while I was there!

Put the ghost stuffs aside, Elvey Farm is a Jacobean inn with the 75 acres of farm lands surrounded by rolling hills, meadows, orchard, and wheat fields. Friendly labrador welcomed us when we arrived. The farm has rooms in the Stable Block, Barn, Oast House and Granary, stylishly decorated with both antique and contemporary furniture which create a good harmony with ancient beams and rafters. Around the farm, there are many paths and bridleways to explore the beautiful Kentish countryside. Unfortunately we got lost, and came back just before the complete darkness, soaked up with rains, after taking 3 hours for a 1-hour path. After the long walk, we had a Kentish dinner using local ingredients at the converted 16-century barn. The food was OK, not special, but I could taste the fresh ingredients. The very British room we stayed was spacious and atmospheric, but we couldn’t sleep well, as mattress made noise every time we changed the position, as well as early-morning (loud) talks at the bar downstairs and contraction outside. But overall, we enjoyed a peaceful country day after staying in London for many months.

イングリッシュ・ブレックファスト / English Breakfast