Monthly Archives: August 2009

New Virgin Media ‘Broadband XXL’ installed

Virgin Media

昨日、ヴァージン・メディア(Virgin Media)のテクニシャンが来て、今までの「Broadband XL」プランから「Broadband XXL」にアップグレードしてもらった。モデムは、それまでの白のプラスチックのモデムと比べ、スタイリッシュな、光沢のあるブラック。回線スピードは今までの最大20mbpsから最大50mbpsにアップした。

ヴァージン・メディアは、ヴァージン・アトランティック航空を起したリチャード・ブランソン率いるヴァージン・グループ(Virgin Group)傘下にある会社で、ケーブルテレビ、ブロードバンド・インターネット接続、電話、携帯電話事業を行っている。イギリスにおけるブロードバンド・インターネット接続プロバイダー最大手で、28%のシェアを占める(2006年調べ)。ちなみに第二位はBTグループで23%。18ヶ月の回線改良工事の後、ヴァージン・メディアはそのネットワーク提供範囲を3倍に引き上げることに成功、この高速光ファイバー回線を最大1200万のイギリス家庭に提供することが可能になった。現在は「Broadband XXL」プランで月額£52.00だが、9月1日から£35.00ポンドに価格が引き下げられるそうだ。



Yesterday Virgin Media technician came to our apartment, and set up a new modem to upgrade the plan from ‘Broadband XL‘ to ‘Broadband XXL‘. The internet speed went up from up to 20mbps to up to 50mbps. The glossy black modem is stylish and more compact than the old boring white plastic one.

Virgin Media is a provider for home telephone, cable television, broadband and mobile services to the UK, and a part of Virgin Group founded by British business tycoon Sir Richard Branson. Virgin Media is the top UK broadband provider, and it took 28% share of the UK market in 2006, and the second BT (British Telecommunication) had 23%. After 18 months of upgrades, Virgin Media has now tripled its network capacity and is able to offer a 50Mb broadband package to 12 million homes across the UK. Now ’Broadband XXL’ plan costs £52.00, but as of September 1st, Virgin Media will slash the price to £35.00.

The 50Mb service is currently the fastest commercially available broadband connection on the UK market. It may sound a big deal in compare to South Korea and Japan, the top two countries on ITIF 2008 Broadband Ranking, where the internet speed up to 100mbps or even up to 1Gbps are available. But it is a great improvement for UK, which is the 13th on the world ranking, and the average download speed in Mbps was only 2.6 in 2008,in compare to the fastest Japan of 63.6.

But I feel like the speed of this new service is not faster but rather slower – what is going on?!

Virgin Media ModemVirgin Media Modem

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The Espresso Room @ Great Ormond Street

The Espresso Room

ロンドンで行った中で一番小さいカフェ、「The Espresso Room」。メルボルンの有名カフェで働いた経験があり、バリスタの資格を持つコーヒーコンサルタントである英国人オーナーが、今年7月にオープンした。前を通ってもつい見逃してしまいそうな小さなカフェだが、グレート・オーモンド・ストリート小児病院国立神経科・神経外科病院等、近くに5つも病院があり、結構賑わっている。なので店内では、NHS(国営医療サービス)の悪口は言わないように!。メニューには、ダウン・アンダー名物・フラット・ホワイトやエスプレッソ等のコーヒー類はもちろん、紅茶類、また手作りのサンドイッチ、マフィンやクロワッサン、デニッシュ等もある。小さい店なので、だらだら長居はしにくいけれど、このエリアで美味しいコーヒーを頂きたい時はぜひ。

The Espresso Room is the smallest café I’ve been in London. The English owner, who is a qualified barista and a coffee consultant and has work experience in one of Melbourne’s best cafés, opened this tiny café in July this year. Despite its small size, customers came all the times from nearby 5 hospitals including Great Ormond Street Hospital and National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (so don’t talk bad about the NHS!). On their menu, you can have handmade sandwiches, muffins, danish and croissants, as well as their signature coffees such as Down Under Specialty Flat White and Espresso. The café is petite,  so you can’t stay too long, but you should definitely try this cute place when you are in the area and craze for a really good coffee.

The Espresso RoomThe Espresso Room

* 最近立ち上げられた、「アナログ」起業家を応援するウェブサイト・ToAnalogで、このカフェを取り上げたビデオ「The Espresso Room Story」が見れます。

ToAnalog, a website just launched recently to celebrate “analog” entrepreneurs, features “The Espresso Room Story” – check it out!

‘Home’ French ‘Road’ Movie that Got Lost in the Highway

Home poster

先週に続いて、Renoir Cinemaでフランス映画「Homeホーム 我が家)」を見た。ジュリエット・ビノシュと双璧をなす、現代フランス映画の実力派女優、イザベル・ユペール主演の2008年の作品。イギリスで上映されるフランス映画の半分は、この二人のうちどちらかが出ているような気がする。ちなみに男優なら、ヴァンサン・カッセルダニエル・オートゥイユか。

「ホーム 我が家」は、「高速道路脇の家で暮らす一家の崩壊と再生の物語(東京国際映画祭解説より)」。高速道路建設予定地脇に10年間住んでいた5人家族。その間は何も起こらなかったのに、突如、中断していた建設工事が再開、その数日後に高速道路が開通したことから、家族の平和で楽しい生活は一転した。激しい交通量と騒音、空気汚染にも関わらず、母親は引っ越しを拒み、10年間慣れ親しんだその家に固執する。そのうち母親は神経を冒され、その影響は家族全体に及び、家族全体が病んでいく。



We saw a French movie ‘Home‘, starring French leading actress Isabelle Huppert, at Renoir Cinema.  Isabelle Huppert is one of the dominant actresses in recent French cinema together with Juliette Binoche, and I feel like at least half of the French movies shown in UK starring one of the two. The most-seen French actors in UK cinemas are probably Vincent Cassel and Daniel Auteuil.

‘Home‘ is about a family living on the side of an abandoned half-finished highway. After 10 years of living in the isolated house, the roadwork suddenly restarted and opened the new highway in few days later – this turned the peaceful family life upside down. Refusing to move, the family continue their happy-go-lucky lifestyle, despite the immense noise and pollution produced by thousands of speeding cars. However such distressful life reached to a breaking point. The mother, who was obsessed to the house, became neurotic day by day, and it started to affect other family members.

I enjoyed the movie at the beginning. The movie beautifully portrayed French countryside – nothing but only abandoned road and their house – and their boring but happy family life in the countryside with a touch of humor. It was still realistic when mother gets more and more erratic, with the daily stress from the busy highway. But it was too much, that all the family went crazy, after the father realized that the family was on the verge of collapse and tried to drag them out, but gave up at the end because of his wife’s fierce resistance. They locked up themselves by sealing all the windows and doors with concrete to shut all the noise from outside.  My interest in the movie diminished at this point – and I was disappointed. It was a shame because it was an interesting subject matter, and started good, but then ended up badly. Strangely, the movie review of ‘Home’ is pretty good – did I miss something??

In compare to the golden time of French Nouvelle Vague in the 50’s to 60’s, I haven’t seen an excellent French movie I really love, in years. Not only one twist, but directors often make too many twists, which end up being unbelievable or ridiculous. I think, sometimes real life stories are more interesting than the fiction trying to woo us.


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The Diner Shoreditch @ Curtain Road, Shoreditch

The Diner ShoreditchThe Diner Shoreditch

Shoreditch(ショーディッチ)・Curtain Roadにあるアメリカンスタイル・ダイナー、その名も「THE DINER」。Shoreditch以外に、SOHO、Angel、Camden、Kensal Riseにも店がある。50年代風インテリアに、ロックが流れる店内では、典型的なアメリカン・カジュアルフードが食べられる。昔からハンバーガーやホットドッグが好物だった私は、今でも時々「ハンバーガー食べたい」衝動に駆られる。健康オタクのMは今は「ヘルシー」バーガーにしか行かないが、私はジャンクで脂ぎったハンバーガーの方が本当は好みだ。アメリカにいた頃は、よくバーガーキングのWhoperワッパー)を頬張っていたが、さすがに最近は自分の歳を考えて、大手チェーン系不健康ハンバーガーは控えている。このTHE DINERのは、私の好きな脂ぎったハンバーガーだったが、Mは脂っぽすぎてあんまり好きじゃない、と言う。私はハンバーガーはおいしいと思ったけど、ホットドッグは×(バツ)。ソーセージもパンもふにゃふにゃ、手に持って食べていたら崩れてきた。グリルしたオニオンは甘くて美味しかったけど、たくさん入れ過ぎ。一口食べる毎にボロボロとこぼれ落ちる。でもTime Outのお薦めは、パンケーキやオムレツ等のall-day breakfast類だそう。Angelにも最近新しく出来たので、今度試してみよう。でも、Time Outのレストラン評にはずいぶん裏切られているから、ちょっと半信半疑だけれど。

THE DINER on Curtain Road in Shoureditch is an old-school American style diner. Other than Shoreditch, there have diners in SOHO, Angel, Camden and Kensal Rise as well. In THE DINER, decorated in 50’s style and playing Rock’n Roll loud, you can find typical American comfort foods on their menu. I’ve been a big fun of a hamburger and a hotdog since I was child, and still have an craze for hamburger sometimes. Health fanatic M eats only ‘healthy’ burger, but I prefer a junk and fatty burger. I went to Burger King regularly and crammed Whoper into my mouth when I was in US, but now considering my age, I try to avoid ‘unhealthy’ big burger chains. Hamburgers at THE DINER was the kind I like, greasy and juicy, but M didn’t like it because of its greasiness. I like their burger, but their hotdog was ‘F’. Sausage and the bun was too soft and the bun collapsed in my hand. Grilled onions was sweet and tender, but there were too much of them and fell down at every bite. The Time Out recommended their all-day breakfast, like pancakes or omelette – I can give a try at the newly opened diner in Angel. But I am not sure if I can trust Time Out restaurant reviews, as we had many disappointments from the places they recommended in the past…

The Diner Shoreditch

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Argos: the store you can buy anything for your home

Argos Value Range Tools


ちなみにこれらの工具を買ったArgosアーゴス/アルゴス)は、イギリスとアイルランドに700店舗以上を持つ、最大の生活用品店。食品を除く生活必需品はだいたい何でも手に入る。Argosという名前は、創業者が、ギリシャの都市・アルゴスでの休暇中に、店のアイデアを思いついたことが由来だそうだ。店内に置かれている商品を目で見て手に取って買うものを決める通常の店と違って、店内に置いてある分厚いカタログ(写真下。店のものはラミネートしてある)から欲しい商品を探し、申し込み用紙に商品コードを記入してレジで支払い、商品を別のカウンターで受け取るかホーム・デリバリーしてもらうという、カタログ販売方式。言わば、通信販売のカタログショッピングと通常の店舗販売の中間のシステムで、通信販売に比べると送料なしですぐ商品が手に入るメリットがあり、通常の店舗に比べると、店内に商品を並べない分、割安で品揃えが豊富だ。印刷されたカタログ以外に、ウェブサイトでも商品をチェックできる。最寄り店に在庫があるかを確認し、あれば欲しい商品をリザーブして、その店で支払い・受け取れる(予約日の翌日丸1日取り置きしてくれる)他、家に配達してくれるオンラインショッピングもできる。非常に合理的なシステムだが、商品が並んでいないせいか、ただでさえ趣味の悪い店内は味気なく、受け取りカウンターも、警察か運転免許試験場の待合室のよう。でも、有名ブランドから無名ブランドまで品揃えが豊富で、何でも買えて便利だし、ストアブランドの「Argos Value Range」は超お買い得なので(上記の電動式ハンマードリルが£9.99、電動スクリュードライバーは£4.99)、ついつい足が向いてしまうのだった。

It’s been 2 months since the roll blinds in our living room broken (see my 7/26 entry). You might have surprised that we hadn’t fixed it so long, but I tried… I couldn’t find the place to fix it, neither on the internet or in the Yellow Pages, though there were a lot of stores which sell new blinds and fit them. So we decided to DIY ourselves, but ours are made-to-measure blinds and couldn’t find the right size among ready-made blinds at B&Q and IKEA. We almost gave up and were thinking to get new blinds for few hundred pounds. But we got a reply from one of the places I sent an repair inquiry – they didn’t fix blinds themselves but they knew someone who might do. I called up the place they referred me to, and I was told that they didn’t do repair work as well but could order spare parts for me. We saw a big hope, and ordered the parts, but found out that the size of the parts were slightly different… But I was so determined to fix it myself and never gave up! I shaved the plastic parts with a cutter knife so that they could fit into the tube of the blinds. Done. Next, I bought coded hammer drill from Argos and had drilled for 3 hours to make a new neil hole on the metal fitting, as the original hole didn’t match to the existed nail hole on the wall. OK. Then I struggled to pull out the old nail from the ceiling, as the body of the Argos electric screw driver was too fat to put the top of the screwdriver into the screwhead in a right angle – I sweat like a pig and loosened the nail little by little with a normal screwdriver. Then I put the new fittings on the ceiling and the wall, and put the blind back at last. I felt enormous sense of achievement after I checked it works perfectly!! As M doesn’t like to do DIY things, so I did it, bit by bit, taking many days. I am the one who built the IKEA furniture and fit the ceiling light cords and shades. I don’t mind doing it, but I wish I had a partner whom I can share these DIY and repairs with him.

Argos, where I bought these tools, is the largest general-goods retailer in the UK and Ireland, with over 700 stores. You can buy almost anything you need for your home (except foods). The name ‘Argos’ came from the Greek city of Argos where the founder came up with the idea of the store while on holiday. Argos has an unique retailing system – customers browse through their thick laminated catalogue in the store, select items and pay for them, and collect the items from the in-store collection desk, or have the item delivered to their home. It seems to be the system in between mail-order and in-store sale. You can save shipping cost and get what you want right away, among the huge variety of goods in stock which normal retailer cannot afford to keep in the limited space. You can also check the products online. You choose an item to reserve for store-pickup (you can reserve until the end of the day after the reservation and pay at the store) or to shop right away for home delivery. It’s very clever system, but not only because of their bad store design but also no products on display, the store looks cheap and sterile, and the collection corner looks like a waiting room in the DVLA or police station. But with their vast variety of goods from famous brands to the Argos store brand “Argos Value Range“, which is incredibly cheap (£9.99 for a electric hammer drill and £4.99 for a electric screwdriver), we cannot resist and end up going there whenever we need something…

Argos Catalogue

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