Monthly Archives: November 2013

Italian Restaurant Week: Bocca di Lupo @ Archer Street, Piccaddily Circus

ロンドンのウエスト・エンドで人気のあるイタリアンと言えば、Bocca di Lupo。オーナーはイタリア人じゃなく、イタリア料理を愛するイギリス人シェフ2人。でも二人のイタリア料理の腕と情熱は本物、彼らの作るイタリアの様々な地方の郷土料理は、下手なイタリア人シェフのお店より断然美味しい。なので、14席しかないこの小さな名店の予約を取るのは平日でも至難の業。木曜日の夜10時頃、予約なしで行って座れたのは幸運だった。でもこの日が最初で最後、その後何度か予約を試みたが、都合のいい時間に席は取れずに早8ヶ月が経った。試しに今日予約状況をチェックしてみたら、次の予約可能な日は、なんと1月2日の夕方6時前か9時45分以降。12月24日から1月2日まで店を休む事を考慮しても、びっくりだ。彼らの料理を食べたいなら、「Bocca recipe book」というレシピ本を買って自分で作った方が早いかもしれない。


ちなみに、「Bocca di Lupo」は「オオカミの口」と言う意味で、「in Bocca al Lupo(オオカミの口の中に)」は「頑張れ、幸運を祈る」というイタリア語の表現。なのでIndependent紙の解説が正解で、Evening Standardが間違い。言われた方は「crepi (il lupo)(オオカミなんかやっつけてやる)」(=大丈夫、頑張るよ)と返す。ご興味のある方がBocca di Lupoの予約が取れるよう、in Bocca al Lupo!

West End’s popular Italian is certainly Bocca di Lupo. This restaurant is not Italian owned but is operated by two Italian-loving British chefs. Their love in Italian cuisine is real. Their food, mixture of regional dishes across Italy, is as good as, or even better than many other Italian counterparts. No wonder why it is so hard to book a table at Bocca di Lupo with only 14 tables, not only on weekend but also weekdays. In fact, we were lucky that we got a table without reservation on Thursday night at 10pm, when we could dine there for the first and only time. Since then I checked their website every now and then, trying to book a table but always failed. I checked today from curiosity for next available reservation for dinner and is on January 2nd, either before 6pm or after 9:45pm (they close the restaurant from Dec 24 till Jan 2). Crazy! Maybe a good idea to buy their “Bocca recipe book” and cook yourself if you want to try their food.

I went there 8 month ago (time flies!) and I cannot remember exactly what we ordered – tomato sauce-based Tagliolini and Orecchiette, and side dishes of Erbette (Chard), Agretti and Brased artichokes, according to the receipt (photo below), but I do remember all the dishes were good. Nevertheless our experience doesn’t matter as they change their menus almost every day, sometimes twice a day to keep up with the changing seasons, they claim. If you fancy ice cream, you can have delicious gelato at sister shop Gelupo across the street after dining at Bocca di Lupo, as well as their own desert menu.

By the way, “Bocca di Lupo” means “mouth of the wolf” in Italian as Independent review says, and “in Bocca al Lupo (into the mouth of the wolf)” for good luck. So Evening Standard review is wrong. The answer to the phrase is “crepi (il lupo) (may the wolf die!)” “in Bocca al Lupo” for your try to book a table at Bocca di Lupo!

Italian Restaurant Week: Luce e Limoni @ Gray’s Inn Road

Luce e Limoni(イタリア語で「光とレモン」の意)は、クラーケンウェルのSt Cross Streetにあるレストラン・Fabrizioのオーナーでシチリア出身のFabrizio Zafarana氏の新しいシチリア料理のお店。偶然通りがかって、素敵なお店なのでトライしてみた。


Luce e Limoni (“light and lemons” in Italian) is an Italian restaurant specialising traditional Sicilian cuisine, and another venue by Fabrizio Zafarana from Sicily, the owner of Fabrizio restaurant on St Cross Street in Clerkenwell. We just found this place by chance, and tried this good looking place.

The restaurant is elegantly decorated with a Sicilian ambient with drawings of lemons on the walls. Equally their dishes looked great when served. However, a disappointment struck us after we started eating – the food was bland and didn’t have much flavours. The sauce didn’t taste freshly made but came from a jar. I had the similar dishes in Sicily and were far better. It is not fair to compare the cuisine in Sicily and Sicilian cuisine in London, as the ingredients cannot be the same here and there. But still, I think they can do a bit better. Probably we won’t come back…

シチリアの伝統料理、ソラマメとイカのスープ £6.95

Macco di fave con calamaretti saltati £6.95 (traditional Sicilian dried broad beans soup with spicy squid)


Bucatini alle sarde con pomodori secchi, capperi, sultana e mollica tostata £10.50 (Bucatini with sardines, sun dried tomato, capers, sultanas and toasted breadcrumbs) and Rigatoni con melanzane, pomodoro, basilico e ricotta salata £9.95 (Rigatoni with aubergine, tomato, basil and salty ricotta cheese)

Italian Restaurant Week: Paesan @ Exmouth Market


初日の今日は、お洒落なExmouth MarketにあるPaesan。店名は、イタリア語で田舎者、農民を意味する「paesano」の省略形、「cucina povera(貧乏人のための料理、農民の台所)」を謳う。ここの「シンプルでつつましやかな」料理は、イタリア人が大好きなおふくろの味を再現しているとのこと。

確かに、内装に木やセカンドハンドの家具を使ってラフな感じを出しているけれど、流行に敏感な人の集まるExmouth Marketだけあって都会的で今風。イタリアのあちこちを車で巡って、小さな田舎町で本場の田舎料理を堪能した身には、ここは本当の「cucina povera」ではなく、ロンドンに数多存在するお洒落な中流階級向けのトレンディなレストラン。値段も高くはないが安くもない。メニューにある「ヴィンテージ」カクテルやシャンパンにいたっては、料理の方向性と矛盾している。イタリアの本物の「paesan」料理の足元にも及ばないのに、そのもったいぶった態度が気に食わない。この手の料理なら、Ombraの方がずっと美味しい。

If you are a long-time reader of my blog, you know we like Italian food and wrote quite some times about Italian eateries. This week, I will write about Italian restaurants we’ve been in last few months.

First is Paesan on hip Exmouth Market. They call themselves as “Paesan (shorted version of “paesano,” Italian for “countryman”)” and their food as “cucina povera (“cooking of the poor” or “peasant kitchen”).” Their “simple & humble” food is inspired by people’s favorite family dishes in Italy.

The restaurant creates rusty feels but sleeker and more urban. We traveled across Italy and enjoyed real paesanty food, but the restaurant is not true “cucina povera” but London’s another fashionable restaurant for middle class  with middle class pricing. And a list of fancy ‘vintage’ cocktails and champagne contradicts the concept of “cucina povera”. I just don’t like such phoniness and pretentiousness, and their food was not a standard of real great Italian paesant cooking. I rather go to Ombra for this kind of Italian food – they do the better job than Paesan.

日替わりパスタのオレッキエッテとソテーしたwild greens

Pasta of the day with orecchiette, sauteed wild greens

Isle of Olive Greek Shop @ Ada Street, off Broadway Market

イーストロンドンのブロードウェイマーケットをブラブラしていて、このギリシャ食料品のお店・Isle of Oliveを見つけた。どこにでもあるビルに入居している小さな事務所のような外観はあまり魅力的に見えないけれど、中はシンプルでキュートなインテリア。オーガニック生産者や品質の良い製品づくりに情熱を傾ける小規模農家、農協から仕入れた、エクストラバージン・オリーブオイル、オリーブ、ペーストやタプナードフェタチーズ、はちみつ、Spoon sweetsと呼ばれる果物の砂糖漬けやジャム、野菜の瓶詰めや魚の缶詰、ドライフルーツやナッツ類、ギリシャのドライハーブ、スパイス、ハーブティーなどが、整然と並べられており、店内では軽食も頂ける。可愛いお店なんだけど、ブロードウェイマーケットからちょっと目につきにくいところにあるのが、ちょっと心配。

ギリシャに行った時に食べたギリシャ風サラダがとても美味しかったので、自分でも作るようになったのだが、Isle of Oliveで買ったギリシャ直輸入のフェタチーズはフレッシュで、まさにギリシャで経験した味。また、イギリスでは滅多に見かけない、ギリシャのハーブティー類も興味深い。Ironwortと呼ばれる地中海に多く自生する植物を乾燥させたGreek Mountain Teaチャイ・トゥ・ヴヌー)は、ギリシャで泊まった宿で飲んで気に入ったお茶で、こちらでも手に入るのが嬉しい。また、スパイスとして料理に使うドライセージや、うつ病に効くといわれ、こちらでサプリメントとして売られているセント・ジョーンズ・ワートのお茶もある。長くて陰鬱なイギリスの冬を乗り切るには、このセント・ジョーンズ・ワート茶が必要かも。

ブロードウェイマーケットのお店以外にも、Isle of OliveはエンジェルのChapel Market(毎日曜)やイベント等にも屋台を出しているそう。お店や屋台に買いに行くのが面倒くさい人は、オンラインショップでどうぞ。

When we walked around Broadway Market in East London, we found Isle of Olive, a deli & shop selling a variety of authentic Greek food products, sourced from independent producers, agricultural cooperatives and passionate artisans: such as extra virgin olive oils, olives, pastes & tapenade spreads, Feta cheese, honey, Spoon sweets & jams, a selection of natural Greek herbs, spices and herbal teas, preserved vegetables & fishes, dried fruits & nuts, Rusks, and so on. The exterior of the shop looks like a small office in the boring apartment complex and isn’t really appealing, but the inside has a lot of charm; presentation of the products is nice, so as its simple & cute interior. There is also an eating space where you can have some Greek snacks or sweets as well. The shop is not really visible from lively Broadway Market, and hope people can find it so that this little cute place can survive.

I enjoyed Greek food a lot when we traveled to Peloponnese last year. Now I make Greek salad myself, and feta I bought from Isle of Olive was delicious. I was also fascinated to find some Greek herbal teas that rarely seen here. I love Greek Mountain Tea, the infusion made out of the flowers and leaves of the Ironwort plant, which is the most popular herbal tea in Greece, I had it at a small inn in Greece. Other teas are made of the plants I’ve never thought of making a tea out of, such as sage and St John’s Wort. I may need St John’s Wort tea for keeping up my mood during the long, dark winter.

Other than the shop near Broadway Market, Isle of Olive has also a stall on Angel’s Chapel Market every Sunday and at other food events, fairs and festivals, or check their online shop if you prefer.


A selection of olives on the big table in the middle of the shop.


Dried herbs and spices on the shelves (right, in the square grids)

Beyond El Dorado: Power and Gold in Ancient Columbia @ British Museum

大英博物館で開催中の「Beyond El Dorado」展(10月17日〜翌年3月23日)を観に行った。普段は行かない種類の展覧会なのだが、たまたまチケットをもらったのだ。

スペイン語で「金箔をかぶせた」または「黄金の人」を意味するエル・ドラードは、全身に金粉を塗り、コロンビアのグアタビータ湖に飛び込む儀式を行っていたMuisca(ムイスカ)族の長の名前で、アンデスの奥地に存在するとされた黄金郷・エル・ドラード伝説の基となった。コロンビアの首都・ボゴタにあるMuseo del Oro(金博物館)と共に企画したこの展覧会では、金のみならず、グアタビータ湖周辺から発掘された陶器や石の遺物など、Museo del Oroから約200点、大英博物館のコレクション約100点を展示。16世紀のスペインのコンキスタドールの到来以前の、古代コロンビアの豊かで多様な文化を紹介する。



I went to see “Beyond El Dorado” exhibition at British Museum. I rarely go this kind of exhibition, but I got a free ticket. That’s the reason.

El Dorado, ‘the gilded or golden one’ in Spanish, is the name of a Muisca tribal chief who covered himself with gold dust and, as an initiation rite, dived into the Guatavita Lake in Columbia. It became the name of a legendary “Lost City of Gold.” Organised with Museo del Oro (museum of gold) in Bogotá, this exhibition features over 200 objects from Museo del Oro and around 100 from the British Museum’s collection, not only objects made of gold but also of ceramic and other materials excavated near the lakes, and explores the rich and diverse cultures of ancient Colombia before the Spanish arrivals in the 16th centry.

Unlike in Europe, gold was not valued as currency in pre-Hispanic Colombia but it had symbolic and spiritual meaning for the elite to claim their power, both in life and in death. Tools for rituals, ornaments, animal objects (each animal represents different meaning), and musical instruments etc. – those artifacts show us the advanced goldworking techniques and complex craftsmanship, which were different in techniques and designs across the tribes. I’ve never seen those ancient artifacts from Columbia and I enjoyed learning something new, but I prefer to see them in Columbia, not in London especially during the wet and dark November.

I would think people are more distracted by concurrent Shunga exhibition, and you know why. There was a plan to bring the exhibition to Japan, but I read that no museum was courageous enough to host it because of its explicit portrayal of sex. What a shame!