Tag Archives: GlaxoSmithKline

NHS Prescription / Homeopathy Remedies for Cold and Flu

昨日、バスから追い出され、雪の中を半時間歩いたせいか、ひきかけの風邪が悪化した。鼻がぐずぐずしてひどい鼻声になり、しょっちゅう鼻をかんでいる。風邪薬を買いに行きがてら、薬局で先日もらった処方箋薬も受け取る(上は以前使用しなかった処方箋)。イギリスでは、処方箋薬は無料。だから特に指定がなければ、価格の安いジェネリック医薬品が処方される。薬代は無料でも、処方箋料(NHS prescription charges)を一回につき£7.20払わなければいけない。なので、成分や薬効が変わらなれば、値段の安い、処方箋の要らない市販薬を勧められることもある。

少し前に街角でもらったフリーペーパー、The Epoch Times大紀元法輪功関連の新聞だそうだ。知らなかった!読んだのは英語版)に載っていた、新型インフルエンザに効くというホメオパシー・レメディーをBoots(ブーツ)で買っておいたので、風邪にも効くかなと使ってみた。ホメオパシーが盛んなイギリスでは、ブーツ等の普通の薬局で手に入る。最初に少しの喉の痛みを感じてから、風邪やインフルエンザのひきはじめに効くというAconite(Aconitum napellus:アコナイト、トリカブト/£4.99)を使用。その後数日間は、レメディーのせいか安静にしていたからかどうか分からないけれど、症状は悪化しなかった。風邪がひどくなった今日から、新型の初期流行に最も効果的だったというArsen alb(Arsenicum Album:アーセニカム、砒素/£4.99)が、鼻水を伴う風邪にも効くというので試している。



Probably because I was kicked out from the bus and forced to walk in snow for half an hour yesterday, my cold got worse. My nose is runny and my voice has changed, and I have been blowing my nose  all the time. So I went to a pharmacy to buy a cold medicine, and picked up my prescription drug as well (the prescription above is the unused one I got in the past). In UK, a prescription drug is free, but you pay NHS prescription charges for £7.20 (price from April 2009 to now). and usually a cheap generic medicine is given if you don’t choose others. A pharmacist often recommend to buy over-the-counter drug, if it is cheaper than prescription charge and if the ingredients and effectiveness are more or less the same with the prescription medicine.

I bought two homeopathy remedies from Boots, which supposedly effective for Swine flu, after I read the Epoch Times‘ (free paper founded by practitioners of the Falun Gong – I didn’t now it) article about it. First I had used Aconite (Aconitum napellus) , which can be helpful at the first sign of flu and cold symptoms. My condition had been the status quo for few days – I don’t know because of the effect of Aconite, or because I had been at home kept myself warm. Now my symptoms got worse and I started to take Arsen alb (Arsenicum Album), which is “the most commonly indicated remedy for the H1N1 virus outbreak of early 2009,” as I read that it works for a blocked nose as well.

Homeopathy is not supported by modern scientific research, and it is said that there is little evidence the remedies work other than as a placebo. But homeopathy is £40 million industry in the UK, and Boots admits that they sell homeopathic remedies because “they sell, not because they work“. M believes only science, not homeopathy or alternative medicines – so do my parents who are both pharmacists. I myself don’t mind to try anything as long as it works and safe. I also understand people who find a hope in alternative medicines if there is no other cure. Let’s see if my homeopathic remedy works for me. I bought usual cold medicine as well, in case it doesn’t work at all.


The video below is the TV commercial of Beechams, the GlaxoSmithKline owned cold and flu remedy, that I happened to see on TV while I waswriting this entry. HSBC bank also used Sumo wrestler for their advertising last year. But HSBC was under fire as the campaign uses the image of a western man whose skin tone has been darkened and that make-up has been applied that appears to narrow his eyes, and it has upset Japanese living in UK, according to the Guardian article. Personally I don’t think it is a big deal – a portrayal of a foreigner is more or less based on a stereotype, not only Japanese. M complains that some Japanese TV programs make fun of ‘Gaijin’, foreigners in Japanese. At the end of the day, I think any country does the same, or otherwise it would be very boring if everything is goody-goody.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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Alli the Miracle Diet Pill Goes on Sale

Alli Diet Pill

処方箋なしで買える、初めて医学的に承認されたダイエット薬、Alliアライ/アリ)が今日4月22日から、イギリスのほとんどの薬局で手に入るようになった。アリは、体が脂肪を吸収するのを阻害し、結果的にカロリーの摂取を減らす働きをする。イギリスに本社を置く世界第二位の製薬会社グラクソ・スミスクラインによると、ダイエットとアリを同時に行った場合、ダイエットのみの場合と比べて50%以上も余分に体重を減らすのを助けると言う。1ヶ月分の値段は約£50で、ボディマス指数(BMI)が28以上ある、18歳以上の大人のみ、薬剤師と相談の上購入できる。薬剤師は、アリを販売する前に、客の体重を計る事が義務づけられている。主な副作用は、腸に関するもので、脂性の下痢のような大便が漏れ(それゆえ「poo pills(うんこ薬)」とも呼ばれる)、おなら、頻繁または突然の腸の動きや、腹部膨満感等。脂っこい食事は避け、低カロリーの食生活や運動と併行して摂取する事が重要なのに、アリを楽して痩せられる薬として不健康な生活を止めなかったり、摂食障害を持つ人たちがアリを服用してしまう事が、考えうる弊害とされる。


Alli, the first medically approved over-the-counter diet pill, went on sale at most pharmacists in UK from today on April 22nd. Alli prevents the body from absorbing fats, thereby reducing calorie intake, and it is said to help people lose 50% more weight than dieting alone, according to the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. The pills cost around £50 for a monthly course, and  can be bought by adults over 18 with a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or more after consultation. Pharmacists are required to weigh customers before they can sell the pills. The main side effects of this ‘poo pills‘ are related to the gut, including oily, diarrhoea-like poos that may leak, or wind and frequent or urgent bowel movements and abdominal bloating. One of the concerns is that people take Alli as a quick fix, although it is essential for people taking the drug to avoid fatty foods and stick to a reduced-calorie diet and proper exercise regime. Another issue involves people with eating disorders may use the drugs.

I thought Alli would be great to take before going to the beach in the summer, but as I researched more about Alli, I realized that there is no quick + easy way for loosing weight (and fortunately my BMI is under the criteria) …

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