Tag Archives: Serpentine Bar & Kitchen

Benugo Sandwich Café @ Great Portland Street

オックスフォード・サーカスの近くにある、ロンドンのサンドイッチ・チェーンBenugoGreat Portland Street店。今の家に引っ越してきた頃は、近所にあるClerkenwell店やCity Road店に度々行っていたが、最近はお気に入りのランチ場所も増え、系列レストランのRiverfront Café & BarSerpentine Bar & Kitchenには行ったりしたけれど、Benugo自体はご無沙汰していた。先日、Great Portland Streetを通りかかったとき、フランスの田舎街の古い食堂を思わせる店のインテリアがなかなか素敵だったので、久しぶりに立ち寄ってみた。


I had lunch at London based sandwich chain, Benugo on Great Portland Street near Oxford Circus. Just after we moved in our current apartment, we often went to nearby Benugo in Clerkenwell and on City Road, but now the list of our favorite lunch places is getting longer and we haven’t been to Benugo for a long time, though we went to the Riverfront Café & Bar and Serpentine Bar & Kitchen owned by Benugo. We passed by Great Portland Street the other day and decided to stop by as its rusty old French country canteen-like interior was quite nice.

I remember their freshly made sandwich on order was pretty good, but I had a huge disappointment this time. Panino was not properly toasted, and fell apart with every bite. The taste was kind of blunt and was not as tasty as before. Was the problem just the worker who made it, or all Benugo shops have been deteriorated??

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The Riverfront Café & Bar @ BFI Southbank

サウス・バンクにあるBFIサウス・バンク(英国映画協会が持つ映画館)の1階にある、Riverfront Café(リバーフフロント・カフェ)。改装の末、2009年3月に再オープン。以前は、外の木の長テーブルからの眺めも良く、気候のいい頃はたくさんの人が集まる憩いの場だったけれど、中はごみごみしていて利用したことはなかった。今は、ハイドパークにあるSerpentine Bar & Kitchen(サーペンタイン・バー&キッチン)と同じく、サンドイッチチェーン・Benugo(ベヌーゴ)の経営になり、インテリアもモダンな、すっきりゆったりとした居心地の良いカフェに生まれ変わった。

この日はVeggie Burger(ベジタブルバーガー)とスモークサーモンのサンドイッチを注文。料理はアンティーク風(本物?)のお皿や木のプレートに盛られていて可愛い。サンドイッチは悪くなかったけれど、クリームチーズ+スライスチーズまで挟まれていて、ちょっとチーズが多すぎてお腹にもたれる。でも、手作り風のフライドポテトはカラッと揚がっていて美味しかった。ベジタブルバーガーは、ちょっと柔らかすぎてもう少し、お肉っぽい歯ごたえが欲しい感じ。

チケット売り場の側にあるBenugo Bar & Kitchenも、Benugoの系列で、こちらはもう少し高級感あり。映画の前後にカジュアルに食事やドリンクを楽しみたいなら、Riverfront Caféの方へ。

The Riverfront Café is on the ground floor on the river side at BFI Southbank. It was renovated and reopened in March, 2009: the café before the renovation had long wooden tables outside and perfect hangout on a nice sunny day, but inside was a mess and grim, and I never dared to sit down. Now it is under a premier sandwich chain Benugo management, like Serpentine Bar & Kitchen in the Hyde Park, and reborn as a modern and comfortable space.

That day, we ordered a veggie burger and a smoke salmon sandwich. The sandwich was not bad, but came with both cream and sliced cheese – it was too much cheese. Handmade fries on a side was good, though. The veggie burger was too mushy and it was not really a ‘burger’. The food was served on antique style (real antique?) dishes and a wooden board, and it was really nice.

Benugo Bar & Kitchen at the entrance near the ticket counter, is also Benugo-operated, and it looks a bit more upscale than its sister café. If you want to enjoy casual & fast eating and drinking, go for the Riverfront Café.

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Serpentine Bar & Kitchen @ Hyde Park

Serpentine Bar & Kitchen

バンク・ホリデー(イギリスの祝日をこう呼ぶ)の今日は、ロンドンには珍しく快晴。最高気温も26度位まで上がったので(それまでの気温は最高気温20度前後)、ハイドパークでリラックス。でも同じことを考える人が多く、家族連れ、グループ、カップルとすごい人出だった。ロンドンは晴れの日が少ないので、珍しく晴れた日は、人々は暗い室内から這い出てきて、束の間の太陽を満喫する。公園も、日本なら日陰を選ぶ人が多いけど、こちらの人たちは日向に陣取ってひなたぼっこ。上半身裸、ビキニや水着で日焼けを試みる若者も良く見かける。オープンエアのカフェや外にテーブル席があるレストラン、パブも、大にぎわい。今日ランチしたSerpentine Bar & Kitchenも、注文に長い列ができる程混んでいた。もちろん外のテーブルはほぼ満席、はガラガラ。日焼けしたいMも外に座りたがったが、暑すぎるので、私が無理矢理中に連れこんだ。

Serpentine Bar & Kitchenは、材料にこだわる手作りサンドイッチ・チェーンのBenugoが展開するカフェ・レストラン。ハイドパークのサーペンタイン・レイク脇にある。1998年創業のBenugoは、現在、ロンドンに6軒のサンドイッチ店を持つ他、V&A(ヴィクトリア&アルバート美術館)やNatural History Museum(ロンドン自然史博物館)等の文化施設にもテナントとして入っている。また最近はこのSerpentine Bar & Kitchenの他、BFI Southbank内にあるBenugo Bar & Kitchen等、レストランもオープンし、人気を得ている。Serpentine Bar & Kitchenは、カウンターでドリンクや食べ物を注文・先払いする仕組みで、注文の際に自分のテーブル番号を伝えておくと、テーブルまで運んでくれる。ケーキやマフィン類、サンドイッチ等は、別のカウンターで売っている。私たちは、ほうれん草とアンチョビのピザとバナナとナッツのパウンドケーキのスライスを注文。薪を使って石窯で焼いたピザは、なかなか美味しかった。しっとり焼き上がったバナナのケーキ、フェアトレードのコーヒー豆を使ったこだわりのあるコーヒー、珍しいElderflower(ニワトコの花)&Lemonの紅茶にも満足。でも今度は、あまり混んでない平日にしよう。

Today’s Bank Holiday was sunny with a beautiful blue sky, which is a rarity in London. The highest temperature went up at around 26º, so we went to Hyde Park to relax. It was packed of people, who thought the same thing like us. Since a sunny day is rare in London, whenever it is sunny, even though it lasts only short time, people crawl out of their dark rooms and enjoy sunshine. Any park is full of people sun bathing, some are topless and others are in their bikinis or speedos. Cafes, restaurants, and pubs with outside tables are the battleground for people who are determined to sit outside. Serpentine Bar & Kitchen, where we had lunch today, was not an exception, and there was a long line to order. Of course outside tables were almost full, but inside was half empty. M who loves to get tanned, wanted to sit outside, but I dragged him inside as it was too hot for me.

Serpentine Bar & Kitchen is a cafe/restaurant opened by quality handmade sandwich chain Benugo, on the side of Serpentine in Hyde Park. Benugo, founded in 1998, is located in London’s cultural institutions such as V&A and Natural History Museum, as well as their 6 high street shops. Recently Benugo opened few popular restaurants including Serpentine Bar & Kitchen and Benugo Bar & Kitchen at BFI Southbank. At Serpentine Bar & Kitchen, you order and pay at the counter. You bring back your drink but the food will be brought to your table by giving your table number on the order (so don’t forget to remember your table number). Bakery items such as muffins, cakes, and sandwiches are sold at another counter. We ordered pizza with spinach and anchovy, banana and nuts slice cake today. The pizza baked in the stone oven with wood fire was crunchy and pretty good. We were also enjoyed their espresso made of fair trade coffee beans and fresh elderflower & lemon tea, as well as most and decent banana cake. We will come back definitely – but on a weekday next time.

Serpentine Bar & KitchenSerpentine Bar & Kitchen

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