Tag Archives: 食料品

Isle of Olive Greek Shop @ Ada Street, off Broadway Market

イーストロンドンのブロードウェイマーケットをブラブラしていて、このギリシャ食料品のお店・Isle of Oliveを見つけた。どこにでもあるビルに入居している小さな事務所のような外観はあまり魅力的に見えないけれど、中はシンプルでキュートなインテリア。オーガニック生産者や品質の良い製品づくりに情熱を傾ける小規模農家、農協から仕入れた、エクストラバージン・オリーブオイル、オリーブ、ペーストやタプナードフェタチーズ、はちみつ、Spoon sweetsと呼ばれる果物の砂糖漬けやジャム、野菜の瓶詰めや魚の缶詰、ドライフルーツやナッツ類、ギリシャのドライハーブ、スパイス、ハーブティーなどが、整然と並べられており、店内では軽食も頂ける。可愛いお店なんだけど、ブロードウェイマーケットからちょっと目につきにくいところにあるのが、ちょっと心配。

ギリシャに行った時に食べたギリシャ風サラダがとても美味しかったので、自分でも作るようになったのだが、Isle of Oliveで買ったギリシャ直輸入のフェタチーズはフレッシュで、まさにギリシャで経験した味。また、イギリスでは滅多に見かけない、ギリシャのハーブティー類も興味深い。Ironwortと呼ばれる地中海に多く自生する植物を乾燥させたGreek Mountain Teaチャイ・トゥ・ヴヌー)は、ギリシャで泊まった宿で飲んで気に入ったお茶で、こちらでも手に入るのが嬉しい。また、スパイスとして料理に使うドライセージや、うつ病に効くといわれ、こちらでサプリメントとして売られているセント・ジョーンズ・ワートのお茶もある。長くて陰鬱なイギリスの冬を乗り切るには、このセント・ジョーンズ・ワート茶が必要かも。

ブロードウェイマーケットのお店以外にも、Isle of OliveはエンジェルのChapel Market(毎日曜)やイベント等にも屋台を出しているそう。お店や屋台に買いに行くのが面倒くさい人は、オンラインショップでどうぞ。

When we walked around Broadway Market in East London, we found Isle of Olive, a deli & shop selling a variety of authentic Greek food products, sourced from independent producers, agricultural cooperatives and passionate artisans: such as extra virgin olive oils, olives, pastes & tapenade spreads, Feta cheese, honey, Spoon sweets & jams, a selection of natural Greek herbs, spices and herbal teas, preserved vegetables & fishes, dried fruits & nuts, Rusks, and so on. The exterior of the shop looks like a small office in the boring apartment complex and isn’t really appealing, but the inside has a lot of charm; presentation of the products is nice, so as its simple & cute interior. There is also an eating space where you can have some Greek snacks or sweets as well. The shop is not really visible from lively Broadway Market, and hope people can find it so that this little cute place can survive.

I enjoyed Greek food a lot when we traveled to Peloponnese last year. Now I make Greek salad myself, and feta I bought from Isle of Olive was delicious. I was also fascinated to find some Greek herbal teas that rarely seen here. I love Greek Mountain Tea, the infusion made out of the flowers and leaves of the Ironwort plant, which is the most popular herbal tea in Greece, I had it at a small inn in Greece. Other teas are made of the plants I’ve never thought of making a tea out of, such as sage and St John’s Wort. I may need St John’s Wort tea for keeping up my mood during the long, dark winter.

Other than the shop near Broadway Market, Isle of Olive has also a stall on Angel’s Chapel Market every Sunday and at other food events, fairs and festivals, or check their online shop if you prefer.


A selection of olives on the big table in the middle of the shop.


Dried herbs and spices on the shelves (right, in the square grids)

Lina Stores Italian Deli @ Brewer Street, SOHO

Lina Storesは、Sexショップに囲まれたソーホーのど真ん中、Brewer Streetで、1930年代よりイタリアの食料品を扱う老舗店。私たちがロンドンに来てから約10年、リトル・イタリーと呼ばれるクラーケンウェルのTerroniGazzano’s、そして今は閉店してしまったエンジェルのOlga storesとともに、Mがイタリアの味が恋しくなる度に足を運ぶ店の一つ。この1、2年の間に、Lina storesはお化粧直しをして、家族経営の飾り気のない食料品店から、ポッシュでレトロかつ洗練されたデリに生まれ変わった。今はビニール袋の代わりに、ペパーミントグリーンと白のストライプの可愛い紙袋を使い、軽食を食べたりエスプレッソを飲める立ち飲み用テーブルも加わった。


Lina Stores has been selling Italian food since 1930s on Brewer Street, in the middle of SOHO’s red-light district. Since we arrived in London about 10 years ago, Lina stores is one of several Italian groceries M shops every now and then when he needs his fix, as well as Terroni and Gazzano’s in Clerkenwell and Angel’s Olga stores which now closed. The store got make-over some time in last 1 or 2 years, and has changed from no-frill family-run grocery to posh deli with retro feel. Now they use cute peppermint green x white striped paper carry bags (you can see it in a photo on the bottom) instead of a plastic bag, and a standing table is added for a quick snack or a cup of espresso. Good job.

You can find almost all basic items for Italian cooking. The deli counters holds gorgeous looking prosciutto and salamis, olives, cheeses, homemade pasta sauces, as well as fresh pastas and ravioli. Floor-to-ceiling cupboards are filled with imported products from Italy such as dried pasta, tin and can food, biscuits and others. As they paid the bill for this nice renovation bill, the price seems to have gone up a bit, but still more reasonable than other British-owned shops for Italian food. We bought a large bag full of food the other day. The bread was very good, but the ravioli with spinach and ricotta smelled like chlorine, and taste was disappointing. This sort of things happened when we bought tortelloni from Gazzano’s and M got stomach problem after eating – I guess filled pasta have to be very fresh, but there is no date of produce and how can we know??

Italian Deli in Clerkenwell Road 2: Veneticus

昨日書いたTerroni(テローニ)から東へ少し行くと、もう一軒の大きなイタリアン・デリ、Veneticus(ベネティクス。Google Translateで調べると、ラテン語で「ベネチアの/ベネチア人」の意)がある。100年以上の歴史を誇るTerroniに比べ、2010年の中頃にオープンした(と思う)Veneticusは、まだまだ赤ん坊だけれど、レベルは同等。


Veneticusではランチしていないが、手作りケーキとコーヒーの「afternoon tea」セット(£3.50)を頂いた。ここのお菓子類はとても美味しそうで、実際美味しかった。サービスで出された焼きたてのカントゥッチも、コーヒーや紅茶に浸して柔らかくしなくても食べられるほどサクッとしていて(歯が折れそうになる位固いのも。新鮮なのは柔らかい?)、素朴なうまさ。シェフがトレーに山盛りにされた作りたてのスウィーツを次々と運んで来るのを見ていると、全部試してみたくなる。そしてエスプレッソも絶品。M曰くロンドンでトップクラスだとのこと。


97-99 Clerkenwell Road London EC1R 5BX
Tel: 0203 490 2218

Few steps towards west from Terroni, there is another large Italian delicatessen called Veneticus (=”Venetian” in Latin, if Google Translate works properly). In compare to over 100-year old Terroni, Veneticus is like a baby, just opened sometime in mid 2010 or so, but the quality is as equally high as Terroni.

The store offers everything people want from Italian deli, with Italian hospitality – food freshly made in the in-house kitchen such as lasagna, arancini (fried rice balls), made-to-order panini from charcuterie counter, dolci (sweets) and gelati, as well as imported packaged food and wines.

We didn’t have lunch but just had their homemade cake and coffee, together for £3.50 as an “afternoon tea” set. To be honest, their dolci look very good and tasted good as well, including sample cantucci just came out from the oven which is soft enough for a bite without dipping it in coffee or tea (some are very hard and can break your teeth! Maybe fresh one is softer). I couldn’t keep my eyes off from a chef going back and forth, bringing plateful of his beautiful creations. And their espresso was perfect – M thinks it is one of the best in town.

If I have to compare Terroni and Veneticus, the products they sell as well as friendliness of the staffs are neck-and-neck. I like Terroni’s interior as it is more cheerful and chic. I can’t talk about food much, as I didn’t try Veneticus for lunch, to be fair, but their arancino we had for take away was yummy. For pastries, I definitely prefer Veneticus to Terroni! I should try their gelato when gets hot.

Italian Deli in Clerkenwell Road 1: Terroni of Clerkenwell

昔イタリアからの移民が多く住んでいたロンドンの「リトル・イタリー」、Clerkenwell(クラーケンウェル)。イタリア統一の功労者、ジュゼッペ・マッツィーニも、イギリスに亡命していた頃、この辺りに住んでいたらしい(詳細)。イギリス最古のイタリアン・カソリック教会・St Peter’s Italian Churchなど、このエリアには今でもその頃の名残があるのだが、Clerkenwell Road沿いにイタリアン・デリが2軒あるので、今日明日と一軒ずつ紹介します。

最初は、St Peter’s Italian Churchの横にある、1878年オープンのイギリス最古のイタリア食料品店・Terroni of Clerkenwell。以前はTerroni & Sons、またはL Terroni & Sons、はたまたLuigi Terroni & Sonsという名前だったのだが、現在、表にはTerroni of Clerkenwellとある。ちなみにMいわく、イタリア語で「terroni(terroneの複数形。農民の意)」は、南イタリア人に対する侮蔑の言葉らしい(失礼に当たるといけないので、英語では書かない)。2007年に一度閉店していて(噂では、家主である教会と何か問題があったらしい)、4年以上たった今年2月に再オープン。綺麗に改装され、スペースも倍増した。



Terroni of Clerkenwell
138 Clerkenwell Road, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 5DL
tel: 020 7837 1712


Clerkenwell is known as London’s ‘little Italy’, where was a huge influx of Italians  in search of work from the early 19th century. Giuseppe Mazzini, who was one of the most important figure in unification of Italy, also lived in this neighborhood during his political asylum in UK (more info). There is the UK’s oldest Italian church, St Peter’s Italian Church, in the heart of Clerkenwell, and still some Italian feel is in the area. There are two Italian delicatessens on Clerkenwell Road, so I introduce one today and another tomorrow.

The first one is the oldest Italian deli in UK, opened in 1878, next to St Peter’s church. I remember it was called Terroni & Sons, L Terroni & Sons, or Luigi Terroni & Sons or whatever, but now you can read “Terroni of Clerkenwell” on its storefront. It closed its door once in August 2007 (it is rumored that there was some trouble with the church, the landlord), and after more than 4 years, beautifully refurbished and reopened with the doubled space.

There is a food corner with pasta, tomato cans, olive oils and other essentials on the right, and on the left, a deli counter with ham, cheese, and dolce, as well as large shelves with a sizable selection of affordable to expensive Italian wines. There is also a relaxing eat-in space with British and Italian newspapers. It is said that they’ll soon start to make hot food like lasagne and pasta. Can’t wait to try their new menu!

→ more details: “Shitty country”? MA ANCHE NO! blog

Laystall Streetにあるュゼッペ・マッツィーニを記念した 飾り板  / A plaque of Giuseppe Mazzini on Laystall Street

Fazenda Italian Roaster & Café in Spitalfields

Fazenda UK(ファゼンダ)は、リバプール・ストリート駅やスピタルフィールズ・マーケット近くの裏通りにある、コーヒー焙煎業者兼カフェ。表に看板もなく店名も書かれていないし(外観)、光の反射で中も見えにくいので見つけるのが大変、私たちもぐるぐる辺りを歩き回り、やっと見つけた。Fazendaは、ローマの約60km南、テルメミネラルウォーターで有名なFiuggi(フィウッジ)という中世の街に、1981年よりコーヒー・ビジネスを営むイタリア人ファミリーによって経営されている。イタリア人経営にも関わらず、「Fazenda」は「コーヒー豆の栽培から袋詰めまでを行う農場または工場」という意味のポルトガル語だ。Fazendaでは、昔ながの伝統的な方法で豆を焙煎しており、そのゆっくり時間をかけて焙煎したコーヒー豆は、キッチュなコーヒー袋に入れられて、イタリア食料品と共に入口近くに置かれている。1階はデリ&カフェ、地下はアート・ギャラリー兼ソファが置かれたラウンジになっている。

Fazendaでは、美味しいコーヒーがいただけるだけじゃなく、食事も出来る。Time Out誌によると、現在はレストラン免許待ちで、フードは出来合いのお惣菜のみ。全てオーナーの奥様の手づくりで、窓から美味しそうなお惣菜がのったお皿が見える。そのシンプルだけれど心のこもったフード類は、まさしくイタリアのおふくろ(マンマ)の味。ちょっと古びたカントリー風のテーブルや家具に囲まれたこの可愛いカフェはスタッフも皆フレンドリーで、雑多な移民の店に囲まれたこの周辺で、まったりできる隠れ家。ここでは、ロンドンにいながら、イタリア気分になれる。ただ一つ残念なのは、彼らのウェブサイト。写真もデザインもヒドい。。。クリエイターの多いエリアなのだから、カフェの雰囲気にあった素敵なウェブサイトを作ってくれるデザイナーを是非探してほしいものだわ。

Fazenda UK is an Italian coffee roaster & café on a small back street near Liverpool Street station and Spitalfields market. It was hard to spot this little place, as their storefront doesn’t have its name clearly visible, and we couldn’t see inside because of the window reflection (photo of outside). We had to go around the neighborhood for a while until we finally found it. Fazenda is run by the Italian family who owns coffee business from 1981 in small medieval town of Fiuggi, 60km south of Rome and famous for its terme (spa) and bottled spring water. On contrary to its Italian ownership,  ‘FAZENZA’ is a Portuguese word meaning a farm and factory that undertakes the entire coffee producing process, from growing the beans to putting them into sacks. Fazenda’s coffee is produced using traditional wood roasting method, and its slow-cooked and hand-roasted coffee beans are on display in hessian coffee sacks at its entrance, together with other Italian groceries. The ground floor is used as a deli and a seating area, and the basement is given to displays of modern art and a sofa for lounging.

Fazenda also offers food as well as its excellent coffee. According to the Time Out, they are waiting for a full restaurant licence, and at this moment, all the food is  pre-cooked. All the dishes, handmade by the owner’s wife and visible through the windows, are simple and unpretentious ‘mamma’ (‘mum’ in Italian)’s Italian home cooking. This friendly and pleasant café with rustic tables and furniture is a little gem in the midst of unattractive ethnic shops – you will surely have a true Italian experience there in the center of London. The only problem is their website, with bad photos and bad design… It is in the heart of creative London, and they should find a better designer to match the quality of the café!