Tag Archives: cheese

Gail’s Artisan Bakery @ Exmouth Market

久しぶりにクラーケンウェルにあるExmouth Market(エクスマス・マーケット)を通ったら、知らないうちにGail’s Bakery(ゲイルズ・ベーカリー)がオープンしていた。Gail’sは、HamsteadやNotting Hillなどロンドンに7店舗を持つ人気のベーカリー。自転車で行ける距離にできたので嬉しい。

中に入ると、美味しそうなサンドイッチ類やパン、ケーキがずらりと置かれた大きな台が。ミニサイズのブラウニーやケーキもあるので、ダイエット中でも罪の意識を感じなくてすむ。値段は安くはないけれどね。左にはサラダやデリ類の入った大きな冷蔵庫。奥に進むと、約250年の歴史を持つ1762年創業のPaxton & Whitfieldの約80種類の国産・ヨーロッパ産チーズが並ぶカウンター・冷蔵庫があって(チーズを扱うのはこのExmouth Market店のみ)、その奥は白を基調に、白木作りの椅子やテーブルが置かれたカフェ・エリアになっている。横にはオープンキッチンがあり、ケーキやパンを焼くオーブンが並ぶ。日曜日の人気店とあって満席。次々来る客が、空いた席の取り合いをしていた。混んでいる時はテーブル待ちも覚悟を。

We passed by Exmouth Market in Clerkenwell the other day, and we found a new Gail’s Bakery opened. Gail’s is a London’s popular artisan bakery and has 7 branches such as Hamstead and Notting Hill. I am glad that it opened within a bike distance!

When you enter the shop, right away you see a long counter displaying delicious-looking sandwiches, breads, pastries and cakes. Even if you are on diet, you don’t have to feel guilt as they have bite-size brownie and tiny sliced cakes, though it is not quite cheap. On the left is a big fridge containing salads and deli food. As you go further, there is a cheese section, displaying about 80 kinds of British and continental cheese from Paxton & Whitfield with 250-year history of trading cheese since 1762 (Exmouth Market branch is the only shop dealing with cheese). All the way back is a cheery café area with white wood furniture and white walls, next to an open kitchen equipped with ovens to bake breads and cakes. As we went there on Sunday, it was full and people fighting with each other for vacating seats – be prepare to wait for a table when it is busy!

↓ハムステッドにある Gail’s Bakery / Gail’s Bakery in Hamstead

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FoodHall Deli & Café @ Old Street, Shoreditch




FoodHall on Old Street near Hoxton Square, is a deli and café, offering a variety of gourmet foods such as freshly prepared food, sandwiches, sliced pizza, pastries & bread, as well as fruits & veg, fresh meat & poultry, cheese and others. There are also eat-in areas on the back and in the courtyard. This posh deli, which looks like the one in an expensive area somewhere in Chelsea, attract a certain crowd in this edgy neighborhood. In general, their products are quite expensive, and you may even think that they are over-priced. First time I visited the store, I bought some groceries like organic milk, eggs and some meat without paying attention to their price tags, and I was surprised by its total at the cashier. Now I don’t buy those ‘organic’ products as I can find good ones at Waitrose with better prices, but still I can’t miss their cakes and bread. Though more expensive than the average price in the area, but its sophisticated taste and perfect sweetness worth the price. I like their simple cakes such as banana sliced cake and raspberry financier, but their cheesecakes I bought before were excellent as well. I also recommend their ciabatta bread, crispy outside and soft inside. It tastes better if you lightly toast it and dip it in extra-virgin olive oil.

But another big minus at FoodHall as well as their price is their often unfriendly and impolite staff. We went to buy ciabatta at FoodHall today, and complained about a rock-hard ciabatta we bought the other day. But we were just told, “next time, touch and check the bread before you buy, as sometimes old stocks mix with the new ones” – without sincere apology. We almost screamed to the guy, “that’s the store’s job to check whatever they sell!!”, but managed to control ourselves and left with newly purchased nicely baked ciabatta. Of course we checked its hardness before we bought. This is our worst experience at the store, but I’ve never impressed by their customer service. I was relieved to know that we are not the only one – I found some reviews about the store while I was looking for the store’s website (but I couldn’t find it), and some people complain the same thing!

Although I don’t like the store’s unpleasant attitudes and expensive prices, their sweets are truly irresistible and go back at the end…

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Neal’s Yard Dairy @ Covent Garden

Neal’s Yard(ニールズ・ヤード)は、モンマス・ストリート(Monmouth Street)、ショーツ・ガーデンズ(Shorts Gardens)、ニール・ストリート(Neal’s Street)に囲まれた、コベント・ガーデンの隠れ家的エリア。王立造幣局局長(Master of the Mint)であったThomas Neale(トーマス・ニール)の名を冠した、この「ヤード(囲い地)」で、70年代初期に「alternative London(オルタナティブ・ロンドン)」のリーダーであったNick Saundersがイニシアティブを取り、「コミュニティ」の再生を目指して、政府の補助金を頼りにしないニューエイジ系ビジネスを次々に設立した。今でもそのコンセプトが引き継がれ、日本でも人気のNeal’s Yard Remediesニールズヤード・レメディーズ)、チーズ専門店のNeal’s Yard Dairy、そしてベジタリアン・カフェのWorld Food Cafeなど、自然食品やオーガニックフード、オルタナティブ・メディシン(代替医療)のメッカとして、いつも観光客でにぎわっている。

その一角にあるNeal’s Yard Dairy(ニールズヤード・デイリー)は、1979年にオープンした乳製品専門店で、高品質のイギリス産チーズを取り扱う。元々アイスクリームやギリシャ風ヨーグルトを販売していたが、冬場は閑古鳥が鳴くので、チーズを売り始めたのだそうだ。そして代々チーズを生産し続ける各地の小規模家族経営のチーズ製造業者を訪問するうちに、イギリス製チーズを専門に取り扱う事を決意。今や、ロンドンでチーズと言えばニールズヤード・デイリー、と言われる程の有名店に成長。コヴェントガーデンとバラ・マーケットに自社店舗を所有するほか、大手高級スーパーや高級食料品店でもその製品を取り扱っている。

コヴェント・ガーデン店は、10人も入れば身動きできなくなるほど小さな店だが、イギリス各地から集められたチーズがうずたかく積まれており、前を通りかかると、強烈なチーズの匂いが漂う。試食もでき、いつもチーズ愛好者で賑わっている。今日は通りがかりにその匂いにつられ、試食したコーンウォール産のチーズ、Cornish Yargが美味しかったので購入。防水加工された紙のシンプルな包装、同じくシンプルなロゴ入りのショップのビニール袋もいい。

Neal’s Yard is a queit courtyard in Covent Garden, surrounded by Shorts Gardens, Monmouth Street, and Neil Street. Taking its name from Thomas Neale, Master of the Mint, Neal’s Yard, is a wholefood haven and a center of ‘alternative’ Covent Garden. The idea of Neal’s Yard was conceived in the early ’70s by Nick Saunders, who is known as one of the leaders of ‘alternative London’ movement. Aiming to  revive a sense of village community and he set up a series of businesses without government subsidy, which most of them are still going today. Neal’s Yard contains some well-known shops such as Neal’s Yard Remedies, Neal’s Yard Dairy and vegan restaurant World Food Cafe, as well as other health food shops, cafés and new age retailers, and is a popular destination for tourists as well.

Established in 1979, Neal’s Yard Dairy is the Dairy specialises in providing high quality and unusual British cheeses from small and often family run producers in the British Isles. It sold ice cream and Greek style yoghurt produced in the shop in early days, but in winter trade was poor so the Dairy started selling cheese. On visiting their suppliers, they discovered many producers that had been making cheese for generations, and decided to sell and supply specialty British cheeses. Now the Dairy has grown to be one of the top quality cheese retailers in UK, and has two own shops in Covent Garden and Borough Market, as well as its products are sold at large wholefood supermarkets and quality food shops.

The Neal’s Yard Dairy’s Covent Garden shop is so tiny that probably no more than 10 people can fit inside. There are many kinds of cheese piling up in such small space and you can smell the cheese very strong from outside.  You can sample any of the cheese available in the store, and always the shop is packed with cheese-lovers. We were also lured by the smell and tried some of the cheese. We liked Cornish Yarg from Cornwall, and purchased some. Its simple wrapping with white waterproof paper and transparent plastic bag only with their logo is nice as well.

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Giant Robot Bar-Café-Deli-Diner @ Clerkenwell Road

Clerkenwell Road(クラーケンウェル・ロード)にあるGiant Robotは、ブランチ、ランチ、ディナー、ドリンクと、時間帯にあわせて一日中いつでも行けるお店。元弁護士で、Milk & HoneyMatchThe Player等のバーやレストラン・Redhookを経営するJonathan Downey(ジョナサン・ダウニー)が今年5月10日オープンさせた。

イタリア系アメリカ人のお店にインスピレーションを得たというGiant Robotのレトロなミッド・センチュリー風のインテリアは、ニューヨークはブルックリン辺りのお店にいるような気分にさせる。フード・メニューも、イタリア系アメリカ人が考案したミートボール入りスパゲッティやSliders(ミートボールとチーズ入りハンバーガー)、ピアディーナ(Piada/Piadina。イタリア・ロマーニャ地方のファーストフード)等のランチメニュー、ソーセージ、ステーキ、シーフードなどのディナーメニュー、クロスティーニ(具をトーストしたパンの上にのせたイタリアの前菜)、cicchetti(チケッティ。ベニス風タパス)、サラミ、チーズなどの軽食と、イタリアンとアメリカンが融合した品揃えだ。


Giant Robot on the Clerkenwell Road is a Bar/Café/Deli/Diner that you can use any time of the day, from brunch and lunch to dinner, or for a drink. It was opened on May 10th this year by Jonathan Downey, an ex-city lawyer and an owner of trendy bars such as Milk & HoneyMatch and the Player and Redhook restaurant.

The Italian-American-inspired Giant Robot’s interior is retro mid-century style Americana, that make you feel like you are in a café-bar somewhere in Brooklyn, New York. Their food list is also pretty much Italian American as well: spaghetti with meatballs (it’s an Italo-American creation), Sliders (meatball, sauce & cheese on a bun), and Piadina (sandwich with Italian flatbread from Romagna region) for lunch; sausage, steak, and seafood for dinner; crostini and cicchetti (Italian tapas common in Venice), salumi and cheese for snack with drinks.

Unfortunately we went there in between lunch time and dinner time, so piadina is the only food available at that time. But freshly made hot piadina with prosciutto and sun dried tomato, served on a retro plate, was actually quite good.

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Bottega Prelibato Italian Café / Restaurant @ Shoreditch

ホクストン・スクエアの少し南、Rivington Streetにある小さなイタリアン、Bottega Prelibato(ボッテガ・プレリバート)。店内は、むき出しのレンガ壁に、白木のテーブルや椅子が置かれ、壁には吊り下げられた生ハムやフライパン、ガーリック、そしてバジルの鉢植え。イタリアの田舎町の、居心地のいいトラットリアにいるような気分になる。地下にもソファやテーブルが置いてあるけれど、ちょっと暗くて、地上階の方がお薦め。気づかなかったけれど、帰ってから調べてたら、ギャラリーにもなっていて、アート作品も飾ってあるそうだ。またウェブ・ショップでは、イタリアの食材も扱っている。

私たちはランチに行ったけれど、木〜金曜日は11時まで開いていて、ディナーもできるみたい(開店時間は日によって違うので、店のフェイスブックページで確認を)。ランチメニューは、生ハムやサラミ、チーズの盛り合わせ、パニーノ(サンドイッチ)、そして日替わりの生パスタ数種などなど。デザートのドルチェ(ケーキ)ももちろんある。写真下はフェットチーネのミートソース(Fettuccine al ragù, £7)。ソースもフレッシュで、なかなか美味しい。でも量は少なめ、もうちょっと食べたかったな。

Bottega Prelibato is a small Italian café/deli/restaurant located on Rivington Street, south of Hoxton Square in Shoreditch. The place is decorated with exposed brick walls, light wood tables & chairs, and hanging prosciutto, garlic, a basil pot and a pan – this warm interior makes you feel like you are in a cozy trattoria somewhere in Italian countryside. There are sofas and tables downstairs as well, but it is a bit dark, and I recommend to sit on the ground floor, if available. The space also functions as an art gallery, although I didn’t notice any art works when I was there. They also sell Italian food products on its web shop as well.

We went there for lunch but it opens until 11pm from Thursday to Friday for dinner (opening hours vary – check their facebook page for more details). Cold meat and cheese platters, panini (sandwiches), and some daily fresh pasta dishes etc are on their lunch menu, as well as some dolci (sweets) and pastries. We both ordered “fettuccine al ragù” (fresh pasta with meat sauce, £7). The meat sauce was quite delicious and fresh, but the dish was a bit too small for my empty stomach – I wish I could have eaten more!

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