Tag Archives: スイーツ

FoodHall Deli & Café @ Old Street, Shoreditch




FoodHall on Old Street near Hoxton Square, is a deli and café, offering a variety of gourmet foods such as freshly prepared food, sandwiches, sliced pizza, pastries & bread, as well as fruits & veg, fresh meat & poultry, cheese and others. There are also eat-in areas on the back and in the courtyard. This posh deli, which looks like the one in an expensive area somewhere in Chelsea, attract a certain crowd in this edgy neighborhood. In general, their products are quite expensive, and you may even think that they are over-priced. First time I visited the store, I bought some groceries like organic milk, eggs and some meat without paying attention to their price tags, and I was surprised by its total at the cashier. Now I don’t buy those ‘organic’ products as I can find good ones at Waitrose with better prices, but still I can’t miss their cakes and bread. Though more expensive than the average price in the area, but its sophisticated taste and perfect sweetness worth the price. I like their simple cakes such as banana sliced cake and raspberry financier, but their cheesecakes I bought before were excellent as well. I also recommend their ciabatta bread, crispy outside and soft inside. It tastes better if you lightly toast it and dip it in extra-virgin olive oil.

But another big minus at FoodHall as well as their price is their often unfriendly and impolite staff. We went to buy ciabatta at FoodHall today, and complained about a rock-hard ciabatta we bought the other day. But we were just told, “next time, touch and check the bread before you buy, as sometimes old stocks mix with the new ones” – without sincere apology. We almost screamed to the guy, “that’s the store’s job to check whatever they sell!!”, but managed to control ourselves and left with newly purchased nicely baked ciabatta. Of course we checked its hardness before we bought. This is our worst experience at the store, but I’ve never impressed by their customer service. I was relieved to know that we are not the only one – I found some reviews about the store while I was looking for the store’s website (but I couldn’t find it), and some people complain the same thing!

Although I don’t like the store’s unpleasant attitudes and expensive prices, their sweets are truly irresistible and go back at the end…

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The ICA Café and Bar @ The Mall

The ICA Café and Barは、その名の通り、ICA(Institute of Contemporary Arts)内にある、カラフルな内装のカフェ&バー。DJブースもある中2階(写真上)と1階のスペースにわかれており、時にパーティや映画のスクリーニング、ライブ、クラブ・ナイト等のイベント類なども行われる。トラファルガー・スクエアやバッキンガム宮殿、St. James Parkに近いせいか、いつも結構混んでいる。以前は、ここに入るのに£2の入場料がチャージされていたのだが(ICAの映画のチケットを持っていれば無料)、それがなくなったことも、人気の理由か。私たちのような映画を観に来た人以外の客、特にグループで飲みにきている若い人たちが多いからか、はたまた音響のせいか、いつ行ってもかなりうるさいので、カフェでゆっくりしたいのであれば、お薦めしない。

このカフェ&バーは、大英図書館The Wellcome Collection(医学をテーマとするユニークな博物館。でもけっこう洒落た展示デザインで面白い)、最近ユーロスターの発着駅としてリニューアルしたセント・パンクラス駅等に出店しているロンドンで人気のカフェ・ベーカリー、Peyton and Byrneのオーナーで、St. Jame’s ParkにあるInn the Parkナショナル・ギャラリー内のThe National Dining Rooms and National Cafeといったレストランを展開する、アイルランド出身のOliver Peyton(オリバー・ペイトン)が手がけている。フード・メニューは、ハンバーガーやパスタ、サラダなど。カジュアルだけれど、ちょっと気の利いた品揃えだ。オリバー・ペイトン系だけあって、もちろんスィーツ類もある。ドリンク類は、コーヒー、紅茶、フレッシュジュースから、ワインやビール、リカー、スピリッツ等のアルコール類も充実。凝ったカクテルも楽しめる。でも凝りすぎてて、1杯のカクテル作るのに一体どれだけ時間かかるんだ?というくらい待たされたけど。ちなみに、当日のICAの映画の半券を持っていくと、バーガー類+ワインかビール1杯がついて£8.95(ウェブサイトには£7.95とあるけれど、実際は£8.95だった)と、お得なセット価格でいただける。

The ICA Café and Bar is a colorful café & bar at ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts), as its name suggests. The space has a mezzanine with DJ booth at one corner and ground floor bar café area, and occasionally hosts private party and events, music performances, film screenings and club nights. The café & bar is always busy, as it is located on the Mall near the Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and St James’s Park.  The ICA used to charge £2 entry charge for the café & bar (free of charge for ICA ticket holders), but now it is free – probably that’s another reason for its popularity. The place can be quite noisy, as many people come just for a drink, other than gallery exhibitions and films, especially a group of 20s or 30s somethings, as well as the sound system in the building – therefore, I wouldn’t recommend this place for quiet and peace time with a cup of coffee or tea.

The ICA Café and Bar is produced as a collaboration with renowned Irish restaurateur Oliver Peyton; a founder of popular cafe/bakery Peyton and Byrne, tenanted at the British LibrarySt Pancras International station (reopened recently as a new Eurostar terminal) and the Wellcome Collection (an unique medicine-themed museum with modern exhibition design), and the owner of Inn the Park located in St. James’s and The National Dining Rooms and National Café, at the National Gallery. The food menu offers casual dishes such as  burgers, salads, pasta and soup, but a bit more sophisticated than an usual café & bar. As Oliver Peyton involves, some nice sweets are available as well. Their drink menu ranges from non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee, tea and fresh juices to a wide range of alcoholic drinks like wine, beer, liquor and spirits, as well as a variety of cocktails. The cocktails seems so complicated that the waiter took ages to make one glass and kept us waiting at the counter!  If you have a cinema ticket stub for the day, you can have any burger plus a  glass of wine or beer for a discounted price of £8.95 (their website says £7.95, but it was £8.95).

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‘Sweet’ or ‘Comptoir Gourmand’? Boulangerie & Patisserie @ Whitecross Street

fixNine 1 Nineと同じく、オールド・ストリート駅から少し西に行ったところにあるWhitecross Streetの小さなカフェ、Sweet。少し前は「Sweet」だったのに、昨日行ったら「Comptoir Gourmand」に名前が変わっていた。経営者が変わったのだろうか?ともあれ、ここでは慣れ親しんだSweetと呼ぶことにする。Sweetは、Boulangerie(ブーランジェリー/パン屋) & Patisserie(パティスリー/ケーキ・お菓子屋)と謳うように、フランス風カフェで、クロワッサンやバゲット等のパン類、サンドイッチやデリ・お惣菜類も美味しいのだけれど、私的には、店名にもなっている「Sweet(スウィーツ)」がお薦め。しっとりしたフルーツタルトやエクレア、チョコレートケーキ等、チョイスに迷う。ちなみに、Mはここのチーズのたっぷり乗ったピザ(肉入り、ベジタリアンの2種類)がお気に入りだ。オーブンではなく電子レンジで温めるのが気に入らないらしいけれど。

実は私たちは、このSweetには悲しい思い出がある。ここで紹介しているのはWhitecross Streetにあるお店だけれど、第一号店はトレンディな店やレストランが並ぶExmouth Marketにある。前に住んでいたアパートが徒歩圏だったので、Sweetがオープンした2004年から2006年3月にアパートを引き払うまで、このお店によく通っていた。夏の天気のいい日は、外のテーブルに座ってゆっくりランチするのが、楽しみだった(外には2つしかテーブルがないので、座れない日も多かったけれど)。そこの従業員のフランス人の男の子Bとは、彼もMもMac信奉者でありテクノロジーオタク、バイク乗り(Mはただの原付だったけれど)だったので、話が合った。引っ越し後はしばらく足が遠のいていたのだが、久しぶりに行くと彼はいなくなっていた。フランス人オーナーによると、彼はお店を辞めて新しいコンピュータ関係の仕事に就いた矢先、亡くなったのだそうだ。原因は言葉を濁されたので分からない。まだ30歳ぐらいと若く、可愛い彼女もいて、これからという時だったのに。その後、あそこに行くと彼を思い出し、少し淋しくなるので、行かなくなってしまった。今はWhitecross Streetにあるお店の方に、たまに行く。オーナーが変わったのか知らないが、インテリアもメニューも変わりはないし、味も変わらず美味しかった。

追記:やはり名前は「Comptoir Gourmand」になっていた。オーナーは変わっていないのだけれど、Exmouth Marketのお店の方を誰かに売ったため、こちらの店の名前を変えたようです。

Sweet is a small café on Whitecross Street, few minutes walk to the west from Old Street Station, as fix and Nine 1 Nine. The ownership may have been changed or whatever the reason is, the name of the café was changed to ‘Comptoir Gourmand’ when we went yesterday – it was ‘Sweet’ a while ago. Anyway, I call it ‘Sweet’ here, the name I have been so used to. As you can see “Boulangerie (Baker) & Patisserie” on the shopfront in the photo below, Sweet is a French style café. Their fresh croissant, bread and savory food like sandwiches and deli food are good, but their ‘sweets’ is what I want to recommend here. Their fruits tarts, eclairs, and chocolate cakes etc are all good and mouthwatering! M’s favorite dish is its cheesy pizza (meat or vegetable choice available), though he doesn’t like it warmed up with a microwave instead of good old oven.

There is another Sweet on trendy Exmouth Market as well, and it is the first one opened in 2004. Our previous apartment is just 5 minutes walk from the café and we used to go quite often since its opening til March, 2006, when we moved out from the area. When it was a nice warm day, we sat on the table outside and enjoyed our lunch (though we often couldn’t sit outside, as only two outside tables are popular and taken quite always). We used to have a nice chat with French guy working at the café, as M and he were a lot in common: both Mac fanatics, tech geeks, and bikers (though M drives just moped). After we moved out from our old flat, we hadn’t been there for many months. One day we passed by the area and came in the café, but he didn’t work there anymore. The French owner told us that he died, just after he quitted Sweet and got a new computer-related job. We don’t know what happened to him, as the owner was not clear about it. He was young about 30 years old, had a cute girlfriend, and just got the job he was excited about. Since then, the café reminds us of him and make us little sad, so we stop going there. Instead, we go to the one on Whitecross Street sometimes. I am not sure if it is still ‘Sweet’ or not, but the interior and menu were the same, and the food and sweets were as delicious as usual.

UPDATE: the name was actually changed – the owner is the same, but she sold the shop on Exmouth Market and changed the name of the shop on Whitecross Street to avoid confusion.

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Comptoir Libanais: Lebanese Canteen & Delicatessen @ Wigmore Street

中近東料理レストランLevantPashaKenzaのオーナーで、アルジェリア生まれのTony Kitousが、ヘルシーでフレッシュなレバノンの家庭料理を気軽に楽しめる店を、とオープンさせたカジュアル・レバニーズ・チェーン・Comptoir Libanais(コントワール・リバネ)。「レバノンのカウンター」を意味する名前のこのお店は、ヨーロッパ最大規模の都市型ショッピングセンター・Westfield Shopping Centreにある一号店のほか、私たちが行った、ロンドンのショッピング・エリアであるオックスフォード・ストリートの北を平行して走っているWigmore Street店など、ロンドンに計4店を展開する。

オレンジ色のシェードが目印のカラフルなお店の中に入ると、長いショーウィンドーには、中近東のスイーツや、ファラフェルコフタなどをPita (ピタ:中近東のパン)でくるくる巻いたWrap(ラップ)、フンムスババ・ガヌージュタッブーレなどのメゼが並んでいる。その向かいは、可愛い買い物かごや、オリーブ油やクスクス、ピクルスなどの食料品が並ぶ大きな棚と細長い客席。奥には、キッチュなチューインガムのパッケージや巨大な女性の顔が描かれた壁に沿って、テーブルが並んでいる。メニューの表紙にも同じ女性の顔。メゼ類は単品でも頼めるし、何種類かのメゼがのったplatter(盛り合わせ)もある。今日注文したのは、Mezze Platter(1人分£6.75)、Coffee & Cardamom cheesecake(コーヒーとカルダモンのチーズケーキ£2.95)、レモネード(£1.80)とフレッシュミントティー(£1.80)。Mはピタが2枚しかついてなかったのが不満らしいけれど、メゼ・プラッターはフレッシュで味もまずまず。元フランス領だけあって、西洋風スイーツにハーブでひとひねりしたチーズケーキは、ちょっと大きすぎるけれど、甘すぎず、カルダモンの味がエキゾチック。

Comptoir Libanaisは、ちゃんとした食事と言うより、気軽に食べれるランチやおやつにぴったり。店内はキッチュで明るくて居心地もよく、私的には、椅子の座り心地が悪いYalla YallaよりComptoirの方が好きだな。

The owner of Middle Eastern restaurants, LevantPasha and Kenza, Algeria-born Tony Kitous opened casual Lebanese chain Comptoir Libanais (which means “Lebanese counter”) canteen and delicatessens, where you can enjoy healthy and fresh home-style Lebanese dishes. After the first restaurant at Westfield Shopping Centre, now the chain has total of four places in London, including the one we went on Wigmore Street, parallel to the biggest shopping area in London, Oxford street.

You can easily spot Comptoir with its orange shade, and when you go through the entrance, you see a long show windows filled with middle eastern sweets, wraps with falafel or kofta, and a variety of meze such as HummusBabaghanoush and Tabbouleh. In front of the show windows, there are big shelves with cute shopping bags, groceries such as olive oils, cous cous and pickles, as well as long and narrow colorful tables for seating. On the back is also a seating area, surrounded by the walls with kitsch illustration of chewing gum packages and a huge face of a Lebanese? girl. The same girl is on the cover of the menu as well. You can order mezze à la carte or a platter with several meze on one plate. Today we ordered Mezze Platter (£6.75 for one person),  Coffee & Cardamom cheesecake (£2.95), Lemonade (£1.80) and Fresh Mint Tea (£1.80). Although M was not happy that they gave him only 2 small pita bread, the meze platter was fresh and good. The cheesecake was a bit too big, but not too sweet and quite exotic – it is a good twist to add exotic herb to a Western desert.

Comptoir Libanais is more for lunch or afternoon snack than formal dinner, but it is pretty fun, cute and comfortable to stay. For Lebanese, I prefer Comptoir than Yalla Yalla, where is also cute but its chairs are really uncomfortable.

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Bea’s of Bloomsbury @ Theobald’s Road

Bea's of Bloomsbury

Dose Esporessoで食べたスイーツが美味しかったので、Theobald’s Roadにある仕入れ先のBea’s of Bloomsburyに行ってみた。交通量の多いTheobald’s Roadに面していて、特に何があるわけでもないエリアという立地条件だが、Time Out誌の「London’s Best Tea Rooms」「London’s Best Coffee」に選ばれた他、数々のメディアにも取り上げられた、隠れた名店。全ての商品は、厳選された材料を使って、毎日店内のオープン・キッチンで手作りされる。店先のウィンドーには、芸術的にデコレーションされたケーキが並び、カウンターには色とりどりのカップケーキやペイストリー(pastry/焼き菓子)、ケーキ類が並ぶ。スイーツの他、2時半までは日替わりランチやサンドイッチが食事類、2時半以降はTime Out誌で「ベスト・カジュアル・アフタヌーンティー」に輝いたアフタヌーンティーが£8で楽しめる。黒を基調にした、クラシック・モダンな店内にいくつかあるテーブルは、昼下がりのお茶とケーキを楽しんでいる人で満席。テイクアウトした、ドライフルーツ入りのケーキは、しっとりしていて甘さ加減もちょうどいい。Mが愛用のAlessi PINA エスプレッソ・メーカーで入れてくれたエスレッソとともに頂いた。美味しかった:)

We went to Bea’s of Bloomsbury on Theobald’s Road, as the sweets we had at Dose Esporesso were delicious. Located on busy Theobald’s Road in a boring area, but the cafe is a hidden gem. Everything in the cafe is produced eacy day in their open-plan kitchen using good quality ingredients (including coffee from Square Mile coffee). Bea’s is the winner of “London’s Best Tea Rooms” and “London’s Best Coffee” by Time Out magazine, and got many media coverages. You can see artistically decorated cakes displayed at the store windows, and colorful cupcakes, pastries and sweets are at the counter inside waiting for you. Other than these tempting sweets, you can also have daily lunch menus and sandwiches before 2:30 pm, and enjoy their award-winning “‘no-frills’ afternoon tea” (Time Out) for £8 thereafter. The interior is ‘classic modern’ style based on black. Few tables inside were all taken by the people enjoying afternoon tea and cakes. We had our take-out cake with dry fruits with M’s espresso made by his beloved Alessi PINA espresso maker. The cake was moist and perfect sweetness. Yummy – very satisfied.

Bea's of Bloomsburyl

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